As reported in the Science Daily, rats have better memory than we previously thought. They can remember “more than 30 events in context”. That makes rats better than most husbands.
Rats will get depressed if they’re alone. They need the company of other rats to prevent getting lonely. The RSPCA (UK) says, “Rats are social creatures and need the company of other rats. They use their sense of smell to recognise others, finding out about where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing.” I had a friend who did research with rats. He found they were much more relaxed when he played music.
You probably suspected this already. They have a highly developed survival instinct. With little in the way of defences, they avoid confrontation and danger where possible.
The expression, “you dirty rat”, is a bit like the expression about sweating like a pig. Pigs don’t sweat and rats don’t like being dirty. Rats can spread disease and leave fecal matter everywhere. But a recent study found that rats didn’t spread the Black Death. It seems that this disease, which killed an amazing 25 million people in Europe, was spread by lice. The old theory, that rats carried fleas which in turn infected humans, has been ruled out. It would have spread more slowly had there been a human to flea to rat to flea to human cycle. The more direct human to lice to human cycle explains the faster rate of transmission. Rats will also groom themselves several times a day, like cats. Which makes them more fastidious than dogs.
This one is a bit of a clicky-bait type headline. It’s true…but also deceiving. Most rats can’t live longer than camels without water. However, there is one particular type of rat that can. It’s the kangaroo rat. This rat doesn’t live in Australia, like you may have guessed. It lives in northern Africa. It has developed to live in desserts, which means that like camels it can live a long time without water.
Rats are covered in fur, which means they don’t sweat. Their naked tails are therefore used to help them regulate temperature. They can direct different amounts of their cardiac output to their tails, allowing them to regulate how much cooling they get.
Rats can fit through very small holes, as the video below shows. It’s deceptive to watch a rat do this. It looks like they must have some special ability to dislocate their hips or something. The truth is less incredible than that. Rats can fit their body through just about any hole they can get their heads through. That’s true for cats as well. While it looks like they’ve got big bodies, they’re actually scrawny little animals with a lot of hair.
This is one of the reasons you don’t want rats around your home. Rats will chew through just about anything. They’ll chew through plastic bins to get to dog food. They’ll chew through timber. And they’ll sometimes chew through electrical wiring.
As we said earlier, rats are covered in fur. Animals with fur don’t tend to sweat. Without naked skin for air to pass over, the effect of sweating is nil. Humans evolved to sweat to help regulate temperature and we use clothing to cover up when cold. Rats don’t have the ability to change furs, so they don’t sweat.
It’s very uncommon for any animal to have opposable thumbs. The purpose of the thumb is to hold things with dexterity. Without the intelligence to use this dexterity, most animals have no need for opposable thumbs. Some primates have small thumbs and can use tools in a limited sense. Those that swing through trees do so by forming a hook-like claw and have smaller thumbs to keep them out of the way when swinging. Rats have neither the intelligence nor the adaptive need to grow opposable thumbs. They have four claw-like fingers that suit their needs rather nicely.
Rats and mice are incontinent. That’s what makes them so terrible to have around your home. As just mentioned above, that rat urine and faeces can carry diseases.
Magawa the landmine-sniffing rat was mourned when he passed away. It had been instrumental in clearing 141,000 square metres of land from landmines in Cambodia. That undoubtedly saved lives.
As explained earlier, rats may not have been responsible for the Black Death. That doesn’t mean they’re not carrying all sorts of nasties with them. Some people even theorize that the next pandemic will come from rats. There is some evidence to suggest they carry zoonotic diseases (diseases that can transfer from the host animal to humans like bird flu has many times in the last 30 years). Though, to be fair, there is evidence against that notion. Regardless of whether rats will cause the next pandemic, they’re definitely carrying lots of pathogens we should avoid. Eg we mentioned earlier typhus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection and gastrointestinal infections.
The Bosavi woolly rat is believed to be the biggest rat and is more than 32 inches (81 cm) long (including the tail) and weighs more than three pounds (1.36 kg).
You can see that our work is always interesting, from possums to snakes, ants and termites. (We don’t deal with snakes. You’ll need a snake catcher for that. But we did run into one recently.) We hope you can see from these images the depth of our services and get an idea of the people who work behind Zapem Pest Management. We’re working to be more than just a pest controller who zaps insects and moves on. We care about our work and hopefully it shows.
Fully Licenced and Insured, Family Owned & Operated – servicing South East Queensland & Northern New South Wales.